DATE OF OPENING 08.05.2010

Sri Ashok Gehlot, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Rajasthan inaugurated the Institute. Dr C P Joshi, Hon’ble Minister for Rural Development, GOI, New Delhi, Dr D Veerendra Heggade, President of RUDSETIs, Sri Vijay Kumar, IAS, Joint Secretary, MoRD, New Delhi, Sri G C Mishra, GM, SyndicateBank, PSCD, HO, Manipal, Sri Swan, AGM, Canara Bank, CO, Jaipur, Sri Muralidhar Rao, CGM, NABARD, Jaipur and Sri Jayavarma, GM, RBI, were present on the occasion.
RUDSET Institute
Behind Panchayat Samiti
Near Gram Nyayalay
Hahed Road Suwana
BHILWARA – 311 011
Rajasthan State