DATE OF OPENING 14.09.2011

Dr D Y Patil, Hon’ble Governor of Tripura inaugurated the Institute. Dr D Veerendra Heggade, President of RUDSETIs, Sri Jitendra Chaudhury, Hon’ble Minister for Rural Development, Forest and I & C, Govt of Tripura, Sri Jagadish Singh, Director, SGSY, MoRD, GOI, Sri Manish Kumar, Secretary, RD, Govt of Tripura, Sri J K Sinha, Special Secretary, RD and Panchayth Raj, Govt of Tripura, Sri A C Das, DGM, SyndicateBank, RO, Guwahati and Sri C Balachandran, DGM, United Bank of India, RO, Agartala were present on the occasion.
RUDSET Institute
Arundhati Nagar
AGARTALA – 799 003
West Tripura District
Tripura State