DATE OF OPENING 23.06.2011

Sri Sudesh Kumar Mahto, Hon’ble Deputy Chief Minister, Government of Jharkhand inaugurated the Institute. Dr D Veerendra Heggade, President of RUDSETIs, Sri R S Poddar, Principal Secretary, Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi, Sri D K Srivastava, Chief Conservator of Forests, Ranchi, Sri C G Memam, GM, NABARD, Ranchi, Sri M G Sudheer Kini, DGM, SyndicateBank, RO, Patna, Sri S S Bhat, DGM, Canara Bank, CO, Ranchi and Sri C G Saha, AGM, Canara Bank, CO, Ranchi were present on the occasion.
RUDSET Institute
Ramdera, Near Silli Polytechnic College
Post: Lota
SILLI – 835 102
Ranchi District, Jharkhand State