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Ms Priya, Haryana State

Address: D/o Nanda Ram, Mau, Pataudi Tehsil, Gurugram District, Haryana State

Educational qualification: 10th Standard

Training: Women’s Tailor

Period of Training: 13.05.2019 to 11.06.2019

Background: Hails from a middle class family. Could not continue study due to financial constraints. An ex-trainee informed her to approach RUDSETI, Gurugram. She came to the Institute and applied for Women’s Tailor training. The training helped to learn many useful technical inputs for developing her enterprise with value added services and sessions on behavioural and managerial aspects gave a lot of strength and vitality to her activity. She is now running a tailoring unit and leading a decent life.

Investment: Rs 70,000/-

Income per month: Rs 30,000/-